
our services


Acupuncture was invented in China over 2,000 years ago. Modern acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. It is a key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, and is most commonly used to treat pain in modern American society. My practice unites medical traditions from China, Japan, Korea, and other eastern countries with our modern understanding of how the body’s nervous system responds to stimuli.

Modern acupuncturists like myself view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation boosts the activity of your body’s natural painkillers and increase blood flow to the effected area. This often produces instantaneous relief from pain, soreness and inflammation. As mentioned earlier, trigger points are the main source of the pain in many of the patients I see. Unfortunately, the sad fact is that the majority of the patients I see have pain which is coming from a muscular or trigger point origin, and the source of their pain has never been identified until they came to see me at my office. The Tri-State College of Acupuncture in New York City is the only acupuncture college in the United States that teaches this powerful technique via acupuncture therapy for pain relief.

our services

Pain Manangement

Pain Management is the centerpiece of my practice. I have been witness to countless patients who have seen their pain alleviated even when traditional drugs and physical therapy could not help them. My focus on pain management is also the reason I see patients out of Chiropractic offices throughout New Jersey. These patients (as well as their chiropractors) benefit from the nervous system stimulation that is created through acupuncture therapy.

My Pain Management Specialties Include:

  • Auto/Work/Sports Injuries
  • Back and Disc Problems
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle Aches, Sprains and Strains
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Orthopedics
  • Smoking
  • Sports Medicine
  • Stress
our services

Dietary Therapy

There is a good reason why people in the eastern hemisphere (China, Japan, Etc…) tend to live longer than the other humans on this planet. Most research points to their diet and exercise routines as the root cause of their longevity. Eastern cultures eat diets rich in protein but low in fat and carbohydrates. This low fat diet promotes a healthy immune system and actually allows the human body to run more efficiently.

If you are suffering from any of the following problems, a dietary therapy regimen could be the solution:

  • Indigestion & Acid Reflux
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Headaches

Let me show you how to eat like the eastern cultures and live a more pain and worry free existence just like your eastern counterparts do.